


Amandine Donat-Filliod

UX/UI Designer • Front-End • Creative Developer


UryōUX/UI Design

EasyJetUX/UI Design

NespressoUX/UI Design

O2 DieGraphism & Game Design

Web DocumentaryWebGL Development

The SphinxArt

Eckhard MarksFront-End Development

One year in TaiwanVideo (Coming soon)

My Works

Branding & Design

During Hetic's intensive week of Design, each team had to create an "Unique" fashion brand. Our team created 雨量Uryō, a raincoat brand based on thermochromatic inks, which allows the coat to change its color when it will be in contact with raindrops. As the Lead Designer, I worked on the wireframes provided by other members of my team to design the graphic models of the homepage and product pages. I wanted that the brand's graphic identity blends in well with the environment that inspired its creation : the futuristic cities of Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul and Tokyo.

  • Figma
  • Photshop
  • Blender
  • WebGL/Three.js


For this redesign of the already existing EasyJet website, the challenge was to modernize and reorganize the user experience and interface, while staying as close as possible to the original brand's graphic identity. I decided to opt for Material Design, since the website needs to look more like the booking app.

  • Figma


Nespresso is the first redesign I did, in Hetic. The aim was to identify Nespresso's graphic identity and targeted costumers, so that it can help us to rethink the website's homepage. I wanted to follow Nespresso's luxuous identity, as well as putting the accent on their ethics, and their taste for exostism.

  • Figma

How We Build The World Together

Art Direction & WebGL Development

During Hetic's last intensive week of the year, our challenge was to create a Web Documentary. "How We Build The World Together" is a Web Documentary exploring how different countries contributed to humanity's scientific history, exploring several domains such as computing. As we wanted that the interface matches our vision, as the Lead Designer and Creative Developer, I created an interactive 3D earth with clickable points located on different countries, each one leading to its related document. This result was obtained using some postprocessing effects and shaders.

  • WebGL/Three.js
  • GSAP Tweenmax

Graphism & Game Design

This video game was created for The Heart Jam, one the biggest Game jam of itch.io, gathering 158 participants. The theme was "Scarcity" and each team had 72 hours to develop a video game. The Game Jam was conclued by a ranking, based on different categories : Fun, Visuals, Music, Sound, Story and Theme. As the Art Director and Graphist, I made all of the 2D sprites, interface and other assets, as well as the Sound Design. The game won the #1rst place of the category "Visuals".

  • Photoshop
  • Unity

Eckhard Marks

Design & Front-End Development

Eckhard Marks is a fictive watchmaking brand created during an Hetic intensive week. I decided to create a narrative experience divided in chapters, retracing its founder's life, in aim to show the deep connection between the man, his childhood, his passions, and finally, his creation.

  • GSAP Tweenmax
  • Javascript


JavaScript •

WebGL Three.js •

Php •


• UX Design

• UI Design

• Graphism

• Motion/Animation

• Illustration

My Skills

I am a French student in Web development and UX/UI Design at HETIC, currently living in Paris.
Illustrator, Art Director, Game Designer & Creative developer on my free time.
Besides code and design, I am an animation and 3D active learner.
Oh, and I also graduated from an English, Mandarin Chinese & Communication Degree, in Taipei.

Who Am I

Want to contact me ?


Amandine Donat-Filliod

UX/UI Designer • Front-End • Creative Developer

Currently student at HETIC in Paris, I'm looking for a apprenticeship.

Make sure to check out the desktop version to see my portfolio.



You found my portfolio.